Feng Shui Fountains - Fill Your Home With Harmony

By Jonathan Andrew

The Chinese art of feng shui has been practiced in Chinese homes for centuries, as it combines the universal elements of wind and water. If you are someone who likes nothing more than to shut your own door behind you at the end of a stressful day, you can add to they enjoyment of arriving home by adding some feng shui fountains to your home's interiors and experiencing the inner harmony they create, just as the Chinese have for generations.

Feng Shui Symbolism

The combined movements of water and air occurring in a feng shui fountain symbolize peace and harmony to the Chinese. Feng shui fountains are considered very helpful in alleviating stress and anxiety and in returning the body's systems to a state of balance.
Research indicates that the motion of the water in feng shui fountains actually increases the amount of negatively charged ions in the surrounding air, and many experts believe that a health can be compromised in environments where the air contains too many positively charged ions. Such environments may also cause depression.

Factors To Consider

You will need to consider a number of factors if you wish to purchase feng shui fountains for you own home. You will be using the fountains to establish a sense of harmony, so you need to buy feng shui fountains which add to the harmony of your existing home. If, for example, your home contains metal and concrete, you would be wise to buy feng shui fountains made of iron of other metals. The Chinese believe that the combination of water and steel is a lucky one, and feng shui fountains of steel may just bring you some good fortune!

Another factor which you should consider in your selection of feng shui fountains is what the design of the fountains will add to your home. The Chinese regard the design of the feng shui fountains as one of their most important elements. In the Chinese culture, each different feng shui fountain design carries a different meaning. [http://www.topfountains.com/category/contemporary-fountains]Feng shui fountains with six rungs, for instance, symbolize strong metal. As mentioned above, strong metals combined with the waters of feng shui fountains are believed to fill a home with positive energy and luck, and to bring harmony to the home's atmosphere,

Feng shui fountains constructed of either stone or earth, like clay, and metal, however, when water is added, are regarded by the Chinese as ideal for simplifying the flow on energies in a home.

You can also find more info on mail order fountains and outdoor fountains.Topfountains.com/ is a comprehensive resource to know more about fountains.