Giving Your Home Positive Energy With Feng Shui

By Tracey Rissik

From ancient to modern times, many have theorized that energy flow is the key to human vitality and health. While China is not the only society that prescribes to this belief, the various energy-cultivating sciences from China have become some of the most popular in the world, as many are enamored with the notion of harnessing one's Chi power. While some may assume that chi is a mystical magical force, it is, in reality, the common life force that travels through all individuals although most have no idea how to tap into its energy.

Chi (also known as Qi) is the life energy that is promoted vigorously in a variety of Chinese healing arts. While most people realize this, many however, prescribe to a limited notion of how these arts promote and cultivate the flow of chi in a person's body. That is to say, many people assume inaccurately that the energy can only be cultivated through the practice of "chi power" oriented martial arts. While these arts most definitely promote the positive flow of chi, they are not the exclusive harbingers of the proper deliver of chi. In fact, probably the most rapidly growing and popular method of cultivating chi is Feng Shui, an ancient art that centers on the placement of objects surrounding the individual.

Feng Shui has become so popular that reasonably priced mini-fountains are now turning up in department stores. While it is nice to see these items being promoted, they are truly of no value to anyone who does not understand what the practice embraces. When one lacks such understanding, then these items are little more than flowery ornaments. So, here is a little background on the science: Feng Shui literally means "wind-water" and the name derives from a passage in the ancient Chinese Book of Burial which states: "Chi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water." On a baseline level, Feng Shui believes that the energy drawn from heaven and earth can be properly harnessed through the placement of external objects in a room, dwelling area or the workplace.

Through the proper placement of particular Feng Shui-related items in one's home, for example, you create the environment and ability to develop positive energy. This, of course, leads to a better development of internal chi and greater well being and vitality.

Those looking for proper examples of Feng Shui placement can consult a number of excellent books on the topic. It's worthwhile researching this subject before spending your hard-earned money on expensive trivia!

The next article in my series will be on "Chios Energy Treatment"; I hope you enjoyed this article on Feng Shui, and all my other articles in the "Energy Healing" series.

Tracey Rissik is the author of the blog,, which focuses on Work Life Balance - including energy healing, self-improvement and positive thinking. Go & read the blog add your comments!

The whole series of the Energy Healing articles will be made available on my website as they are published.

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