The Chinese New Year Is Almost Here - Things You Need To Do For Your Best Year Ever - Pt 1

By Carole Provenzale

We will be ringing in the New Year on February 7th, 2008. The Chinese New Year, a very Auspicious Day for many. Every year I do a special mailing and strongly suggest to my clients that they follow the relatively simple things on the list I've provided....and every year I get the most wonderful feedback from them; they believe doing these simple and inexpensive things have helped and so do I.

Because I am adding to the list this year, I am putting this post in parts. (Believe me I've read enough posts telling me to keep it short and to the point). And I TRY-which doesn't mean I succeed. It is important to me that I relay the information correctly...

I do follow all these things myself and I do believe they help a great deal in the year we are projecting for ourselves. So I've added again to the list for this year and I will also include information for those that have a home/office as well. They generate money and clients and are very valuable rooms in our homes!

One note: I have a wide variety of clients. Most of them take the suggestions I make and do make the changes and report success. And I have other clients that literally put their heart and soul and INTENTION into each and every change, keeping in mind what they want to attract back (The law of Attraction). These are the people that report the BEST news---they and their energies are fully engaged and they are focused on what they want to achieve. For years I have been writing that ENERGY FOLLOWS INTENT. If you want the Energy to change, keep your intentions focused. Here's to the BEST 2008 for All of you!

  • If at all possible, pay down your credit cards and bills prior to the Chinese New Year. Try to start the year off with as little debt as possible. If we want to start a clean slate, this is one of the best ways to do so.

  • CLEAN. Clean out dust, clear out the cobwebs (from your home as well as your thoughts) and start the new year with a different environment. The very act of cleaning helps to energize your surroundings!

  • At the risk of repeating myself (over and over again) it does mean clear out that clutter. Remember the rule of clutter: If you don't need it, use it or LOVE it, get rid of it. Pass it along to someone who will be very grateful to have it.

  • Make some changes. They could be changes in your routine, changes in your thoughts or physical changes. New Years and New Beginnings mean a new way of doing things, disregarding things that aren't working for us and incorporating or trying new things that may. It's time to be truly open to change to allow the new energy IN.

  • Fruit to Feng Shui Consultants signifies Abundance....Abundance in ALL areas. Put a bowl of fruit out on your kitchen and/or dining room tables to signify the abundance that is sure to follow. You can eat them the day after New Years, not before!

  • Add fresh flowers. They not only are pure "Chi" (Energy) but they actually can help change the energy in a space with the use of colors that signify elements as well...make sure you get a few red flowers in the bunch. Some people put them in one room; some put a small bunch in many rooms. (Last year I bought quite a few, they gave my home a lovely feeling).

  • Sweep the kitchen floor as close to midnight as possible. It symbolizes letting go of the old and putting it right outside.

  • If you are home on the New Year, burn a candle. Blow it out as close to Midnight as possible with your wishes and Intentions for the New Year in place. Celebrate this night as if it were a birthday.

  • Finally, open the doors and windows as close to midnight or at midnight if possible. We are welcoming in not only a New Year but also new hope and new beginnings!

These things don't take very long and don't cost much money at all but it's a wonderful way to start any new year and let go of the previous year, particularly if you had struggles or difficulties. Now that you've cleaned out your home, let go of old thoughts that no longer benefit you. We need room for all the new, wonderful energy that you are attracting!

*For additional changes that I myself am incorporating into this year, please visit my next post.

Feng Shui Expert Carole Provenzale has been a Certified Feng Shui Consultant since 1997 and is the Founder of Feng Shui Long Island, New York providing on site Feng Shui Consultations for all of New York City (Manhattan) and Long Island for Homes, Apartments, Offices, Businesses, Corporations, Real Estate Agents, Renovations, Pre Purchase and New Construction. Distance Consultations are also available. Carole is a keynote speaker for large and small Corporations and a published author. Please visit her site at or email her directly at

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